Planet Silly

It was another sunny morning at the Oggle Café on Planet Ogg. Rocco, Blobbo, Coco, Oddo, Beepo and Twinko were munching their favourite ogglecake breakfast.

Their friends, Splish and Splosh, from Planet Flurp were there, too.

“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz,” said Beepo.

Rocco said, “That’s a good question, Beepo. Why is your rocket carrot-shaped, Splish?”

Rocco stands by the window of the Ogle cafe, beside Splish and Splosh. Rocco has a huge smile and is pointing at the carrot shaped rocket that can be seen outside the window.

“Plep,” answered Splish.

Twinko knew the Planet Flurp language. “Splish said that a carrot is a perfect shape for a rocket. It means they can fly anywhere. Splish said some rockets look like a cross between a bright-blue light bulb and a T-shirt. Some other ones look like flying teacups. One rocket from Planet Fungle looks like a bowl of cereal, but a carrot-shaped one is best.”

Rocco said, “Splish said all that by saying ‘Plep’?”

“Yes,” said Twinko.

“Blazing bananas!” said Rocco.

“A rocket that looks like a bowl of cereal?” said Blobbo, laughing.

“I bet that looks very silly,” said Coco, chuckling.

“Silliest thing I’ve ever heard of,” said Oddo with a big smile.

Splosh said, “Bing, floing, farble.”

Twinko said, “Splosh said if you want to see some things that are even sillier, we should all go to Planet Silly.”

“Planet Silly sounds like fun!” said Blobbo. “I wonder if they have ogglecakes there?”

“How will we get there?” asked Rocco.

Splish said, “Goop.”

“What does ‘Goop’ mean?” asked Coco.

“Yes, what does it mean?” asked Oddo.

“It means that they will fly off to Planet Flemp and ask Biggleboggle to take us there,” answered Twinko. “His skying machine is big enough for all of us.”

Blobbo, Oddo and Twinko are seen at a distance, standing by the window at the Ogle cafe. Above the cafe, the carrot shaped rocket flies, with a burst of fire.

Splish and Splosh were tiny little aliens with red trousers. They wore red hats that looked like upside-down trumpets. They raced out of the café and down Bubble Mountain. Very soon, their carrot-shaped rocket was flying up in the sky.

“Might as well have another ogglecake while we’re waiting,” said Blobbo.

“What happens if we laugh too much at all the silly things on Planet Silly? asked Coco.

“We might get tummy aches from laughing,” said Oddo.

“We should have a word to say that will make everyone stop laughing,” said Blobbo.

“Sausages?” asked Coco.

“That’s too funny,” said Oddo with a giggle.

“Ogglecakes,” said Blobbo. “You see, they’re not funny, they are just yummy.”

“Ogglecakes, it is,” said Rocco.

“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz,” said Beepo.

It wasn’t long before they all heard a gentle humming sound. It was Biggleboggle’s spacecraft touching down.

The Skying Machine towers at the bottom of Bubble mountain. It looks like a cross between a bright-blue light bulb and a T-shirt. The door is open and Biggleboggle, stands at the entrance. The Ogglebog friends all stand around around the Skying Machine watching in wonder and laughing.

The Ogglebog friends went down Bubble Mountain and there was the skying machine. Now, the skying machine looks a bit like a cross between a bright-blue light bulb and a T-shirt. When the Ogglebog friends saw it again, they started to giggle. Well, it did look a bit silly.

The door opened and out came Biggleboggle – a tiny little person with a round green body and long, pointy ears.

“Hello,” said Biggleboggle, in a funny, high voice. “Splish and Splosh tell me you want to go to Planet Silly. I just love to explore the stars in the sky. I’ve heard about this planet for a very long time. I’m so happy to take you all there. Ready?”

They all got into the skying machine and there were Splish and Splosh. They had decided to come, too.

The door closed and then the rocket took off. It went up and up, through the darkness of space, past twinkling stars and the green rings that went round Planet Gagglesplat.

“I never get bored flying in space,” said Biggleboggle.

“Nor me,” said Coco.

“I love it,” said Oddo.

“Planet Silly ahead,” said Biggleboggle with a smile.

The Skying Machine is flying towards Planet Silly with smoke and fire billowing  from it. In the distance is Planet Silly. Beside the Skying Machine is a Moon with a big grin. The moon is light green in colour, and is winking.

The first thing everybody saw was the Giggling Moon of Planet Silly. The moon looked like it had a big silly face. It really did look like it was giggling. Then, it winked! Have you ever looked up at the moon and seen it wink? Neither have I.

The skying machine touched down on Planet Silly. No one could believe their eyes. Everything looked incredibly silly!

The first thing they saw were the trees. They had polka-dotted trunks and they wobbled like jelly when the wind blew. That made Twinko giggle.

Everyone got out of the skying machine.

“Oh look, everyone,” said Blobbo, “that river looks funny.”

The Ogglebog friends are at a river with sparkling blue water. Blobbo, Coco, Biggleboggle, and Splish are inside the river. Oddo, Rocco, Splosh, Twinko and Beepo are at the river’s edge, dipping their fingers and toes in the water. They are all with big smiles. In the distance are purple mountains, and a polka-dotted tree.

They all went over and there was a river with sparkling blue water. Rocco dipped a hand in. It tickled. Then, everyone tried and got tickled. That made everyone laugh out loud.

Then, they saw some of the funniest animals they had ever seen. They looked a bit like purple giraffes with extra-long necks and short, little legs. But the funniest thing about them was that they were dressed in the silliest costumes. They had shoes with high heels that made them wobble and fall over. They had knee socks that shot up and down their little legs. And every one of them wore a silver clown wig.

There are two animals that look like purple giraffes with long necks and short legs. They are wearing dark purple high-heeled shoes, and socks that reach their knees. The animals are sticking their tongues out and looking cross-eyed.

By now, all the Ogglebog friends were laughing. So were Splish and Splosh. Biggleboggle couldn’t stop laughing.

All through the day, they saw some of the very silliest things they had ever seen.

Then Blobbo said, “Ogglecakes!”

That made everyone stop laughing for a moment.

“Oh, that’s better,” said Biggleboggle.

“I’ve been laughing so much,” said Coco.

“Me too,” said Oddo.

“Let’s just sit down and have some quiet time,” said Rocco. “Hope we don’t see anything silly for a while. My tummy aches from all the laughing!”

But just then, some vegetables came along. Something that looked like a carrot was playing a guitar. A giant tomato was singing a silly song very loudly.

A large carrot lays down, and is playing a guitar. The carrot has a green stalk and has a big smile and is wearing white gloves. A large, red, round tomato sits behind the carrot, mouth wide open, and it sings into a microphone.

Then everyone started laughing again. They laughed until their tummies ached, but they all felt very happy.

Then, along came some of the strangest flowers anyone had ever seen. There were roses prancing about, wearing sunglasses. And dancing sunflowers with big, red moustaches.

There are two purple roses with green stems and leaves, one is wearing green sunglasses and the other is wearing red heart shaped sun glasses. The two sunflowers are yellow in colour, and have big red moustaches.

That made everyone giggle.

Next, they saw some clouds that had come down from the sky. They were floating just above the ground. They were so close everyone could actually touch them. But when they did, they made a sound like someone blowing a raspberry!

That made everyone burst out laughing all over again.

The Ogglebog friends are all playing with blue clouds. Blobbo, splish, splosh, Beepo and Rocco are on the clouds. Coco, Oddo and Twinko are standing next to the clouds and holding them.

By now, everyone was tired. They all went back to the skying machine. 

Twinko said, “I’ll tell Pasto about all the silly things we’ve seen today.”

“Oh, Pasto will have a good laugh,” said Blobbo.

Then Rocco said, “This has been the best and silliest adventure ever!”

“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz,” said Beepo.

“Silly but such fun,” said Coco.

“Lots of fun,” said Oddo.

They all got into the skying machine and very soon it took off back to Planet Ogg.

Suddenly, Blobbo said, “Ogglecakes!”

Rocco said, “No one is laughing now, Blobbo, so you don’t need to say ‘Ogglecakes’.”

“I know,” said Blobbo, “but I’m hungry and I need ogglecakes quite badly, that’s all.”

And that made everyone laugh all over again!

The Ogglebog friends and Biggleboggle are all in the skying machine. They are all holding their bellies as they laugh.

The End

More episodes
Rocco, Blobbo, Coco, Oddo and Beepo are all smiling and Rocco is waving.
The Ogglebogs E1 - Rocco And The Ogglebogs3+

We meet Rocco and friends for the first time. Blobbo gets in a pickle.

  • 7 mins
The Ogglebogs E2 - Buckets Of Custard3+

Rocco and Blobbo head off to the Bucket Cave in search of custard.

  • 8 mins
The Ogglebogs Animated Story Series: Episode 3 - Twinko Trips Over Cover
The Ogglebogs E3 - Twinko Trips Over3+

A search party begins when Twinko doesn't turn up for breakfast.

  • 8 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 4 The Stolen Ogglecakes Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E4 - The Stolen Ogglecakes3+

Pasto the baker is worried because the ogglecakes have gone missing.

  • 10 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 5 The Great Oggleberry Hunt Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E5 - The Great Oggleberry Hunt3+

Pasto brings out the ogglecakes for breakfast, but something is missing.

  • 8 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 6 Ogglebogs At The Seaside Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E6 - Ogglebogs At The Seaside 3+

Rocco arranges a trip to the seaside, but the tickets home go missing.

  • 8 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 7 Ogglebogs Go Painting Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E7 - Ogglebogs Go Painting3+

The Ogglebogs take a trip to the paint shop to help Auntie Blibbo.

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The Ogglebogs Episode 8 An Ogglebog Zoo Day Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E8 - Ogglebog Zoo Day3+

A very funny animal makes everyone laugh, but is it dangerous?

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The Ogglebogs Episode 9 An Ogglebog Birthday Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E9 - Ogglebog Birthday 3+

Rocco knows it's someone's birthday, but just can't remember who.

  • 9 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 10 Blobbo Floats Away Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E10 - Blobbo Floats Away3+

Things get interesting when mistakenly Blobbo eats a floaty pie.

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The Ogglebogs Episode 11 Space Water Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E11 - Space Water 3+

The friend help Splish & Splosh fill up their rocket with water.

  • 8 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 12 A Surprise Day Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E12 - A Surprise Day3+

Blobbo needs help to remember which day of the week it is.

  • 9 mins
The Ogglebogs E13 - Twinko's Lost Tooth3+

Twinko's first tooth falls out leading to lots of unanswered questions.

  • 6 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 14 What A Noise Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E14 - What A Noise!3+

Someone is making a very horrible, screechy, bangy noise.

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Animated The Ogglebogs  Episode 15 Coldyfruit Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E15 - Coldyfruit3+

The friends head out the find a cure when someone catches a cold.

  • 8 mins
Animated The Ogglebogs Episode 16 Upside Down Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E16 - Upside Down3+

The friends take an unexpected trip to the other side of the planet.

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The Ogglebogs Episode 17 The Naughty Ogg Dog Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E17 - The Naughty Ogg Dog3+

Someone has been rolling in blobweed and is very very smelly.

  • 9 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 18 Laughing It Away Portrait Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E18 - Laughing It Away3+

Pasto has run out of oggleberries so the friends step in to help.

  • 8 mins
The Ogglebogs Episode 19 Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E19 - Counting Cakes3+

The friends help Rocco learn to count using a very clever method.

  • 8 mins
Animated Cover The Ogglebogs Episode 20 Spice Invaders
The Ogglebogs E20 - Spice Invaders3+

Three little aliens make a surprise entrance at the Ogglecafe.

  • 10 mins
The Ogglebogs Story Series Episode 21 An OggleTrain Adventure Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E21 - An OggleTrain Adventure3+

Choo, choo, choo! The Ogglebogs take a ride on the OggleTrain.

  • 9 mins
The Ogglebogs  Episode 22 Twinko Isn’t Sleepy Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E22 - Twinko Isn't Sleepy3+

Twinko is struggling to sleep, the friends decide to tell a bedtime story.

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The Ogglebogs Episode 23 Ogglebogs On Holiday Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E23 - Ogglebogs On Holiday3+

The Ogglebogs decide to go on holiday to Planet Hollypop.

  • 12 mins
The Ogglebogs Story Series: Episode 24 - Old Toys and New Friends Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs E24 - Old Toys And New Friends3+

Splish and Splosh visit planet Ogg with an important message.

  • 11 mins
The Ogglebogs Story Series: Episode 25 - Riplats Animated Cover
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Blobbo has accidentally yawned up all the bath custard again!

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The Ogglebogs Story Series Episode 26 Rocco Gets Lost Animation Cover
The Ogglebogs: E26 - Rocco Gets Lost3+

Rocco decides to go on an adventure but ends up getting lost!

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The Ogglebogs Story Series Episode 27 The Tickling Tree Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs: E27 - The Tickling Tree3+

The Ogglebog friends go on an adventure to visit a tickling tree!

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The Ogglebogs Story Series Episode 28 The Skying Machine Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs: E28 - The Skying Machine3+

Splish and Splosh visit planet Ogg and bring with them a special passenger.

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The Ogglebogs Story Series: Episode 29 - Twinko Was Afraid of the Dark Animated Cover
The Ogglebogs: E29 - Twinko Was Afraid of the Dark3+

Twinko is afraid of the dark and struggling to sleep.

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The Ogglebogs Episode 30 Portrait Cover
The Ogglebogs: E30 - Blobbo Vanishes3+

The Ogglebog friends cannot figure out where Blobbo is.

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The Ogglebogs Story Series Episode 31 Pasto Bakes A Giant Ogglecake Portrait Cover
The Ogglebogs: E31 - Pasto Bakes A Giant Ogglecake3+

Pasto decides to bake a giant ogglecake.

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The Ogglebogs episode 32 Animated Portrait Cover
The Ogglebogs: E32 - The Great Planet Ogg Munching Contest3+

It is the day of 'The Great Planet Ogg Munching Contest'.

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The Ogglebogs Ep33 Portrait Cover
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The Ogglebog friends are on a picnic when they encounter a fierce storm.

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The Ogglebogs Ep34 Portrait Cover
The Ogglebogs E34 - Iggle The Lost Oggybear3+

Twinko is terribly upset because Iggle the oggybear has gone missing.

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The Ogglebogs E35 - Bubble Fun3+

A big, striped box is floating toward Bubble Mountain. What mysteries could it hold?

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The Ogglebogs Ep36 Portrait Cover
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Blobbo and the Ogglebog friends attend a magic show performed by Uncle Marvelo.

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The Ogglebogs Ep37 Portrait Cover
The Ogglebogs E37 - The Lost Alien3+

A mysterious spacecraft crashes into Bubble Mountain, and in it is a sad and lost little alien.

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The Ogglebogs Ep38 Portrait Cover
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The circus has arrived on Planet Ogg and with it is Tommo the tigeroo, the riveting ringmaster!

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