The Ogglebogs Short Story & Audiobook Series: Episode 37 - The Lost Alien
A mysterious spacecraft crashes into Bubble Mountain, and in it is a sad and lost little alien. The Ogglebog friends must find a way to help the alien return home.

The Lost Alien
It was a lovely sunny morning on Planet Ogg. Rocco, Blobbo, Coco, Oddo, Beepo and Twinko were at their usual table in the Oggle Café. They were sitting with their friends, Splish and Splosh.
Everyone had just munched their favourite ogglecake breakfast.
“Plirp, plon, feep,” said Splish.
“Boing, mook, plimp?” asked Twinko.
“Plin,” said Splosh.
“What did they say, Twinko?” asked Blobbo.
Twinko said, “They like coming to see us when they need more water for their rocket, but they said they had better get home to their planet.”
Beepo was looking out of the window.
“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz!” said Beepo.
Rocco said, “What is it, Beepo?”
Then Rocco had a look and saw something streaking across the sky. It wasn’t a shooting star; it was something different. But it was falling downwards.
“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz!” said Beepo.
“You think it’s a spacecraft, Beepo?” asked Rocco.
Everyone watched as the spacecraft kept falling from the sky. Then, with a great CRASH, it landed at the bottom of Bubble Mountain.
“We have to help,” said Twinko.
They all raced out of the café and down Bubble Mountain.
And what do you think they found? Sitting on the ground was a tiny, green and sad-looking alien, with three eyes and four wobbly arms. The little alien looked lost.
Splish and Splosh and the Ogglebog friends went up to the alien slowly, making sure not to frighten it.
“Hello,” Blobbo said gently, “are you okay?”
The little alien blinked its three eyes, then made some funny clicks and whistles.
“I know that language,” said Twinko. “This alien is a Sprocket from Planet Sprocketarion, who needs to find its way home. The rocket engine went ‘bing-bong-piff’ and then it crashed.”
“We’ll help you up, Sprocket,” said Coco.
“Good idea,” said Oddo.
The Sprocket smiled.
The Ogglebog friends helped the alien up. They went over to the rocket, which was quite nearby. The Sprocket got inside, then made some more funny clicks and whistles.
Twinko said, “That means our friend will start the engine up and then fly home.”
“That’s good news,” said Coco.
“Very good news,” said Oddo.
Some strange noises came from the spacecraft. Bangs, rattles, booms and bashes. They heard ‘bing-bong-piff’. Then, everything went quiet.
Blobbo said, “Sounds like the engine won’t start.”
“Oh no!” said Coco.
“That’s not so good,” said Oddo.
“What are we going to do now?” asked Coco.
“We’ll have to think of something!” said Oddo.
“How will our friend get home?” asked Blobbo.
The Sprocket came out of the spacecraft, looking sad, then blinked at them with its three big, shiny eyes. The Ogglebog friends knew they had to help, no matter how difficult it might be.
“Blazing bananas!” said Rocco. “I’ve got an idea!”
“What is it?” asked Blobbo.
“We can ask Biggleboggle to help us by taking the little alien home in the skying machine!”
Splish said, “Figgle.”
“What does that mean, Twinko?” asked Blobbo.
Twinko said, “They are going to fly to Planet Flemp. Then they will ask Biggleboggle to fly back here. You see, Biggleboggle’s skying machine is much bigger than their rocket.”
“Splish said all that by saying ‘Figgle’?” asked Rocco.
Splish and Splosh ran back to their rocket. It took off with a whoosh.
“Don’t worry, Sprocket,” Rocco said with a smile. “We'll get you home.”
“I’ve had an idea,” said Blobbo. “We could munch some ogglecakes while we’re waiting.”
“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz,” said Beepo.
Beepo flew off, back up Bubble Mountain and came back with a bag of ogglecakes.
“Yippee!” said Blobbo.
“Would you like one?” asked Twinko in Sprocket language.
The Sprocket took one and started munching. A happy smile came on its face.
It wasn’t very long until they heard the sound of a spacecraft coming down. They looked up and saw something that looked a bit like a cross between a bright-blue light bulb and a T-shirt. It was Biggleboggle’s skying machine.
The skying machine landed and a tiny little person came out.
“Hello, Biggleboggle,” said Coco.
“That was quick,” said Oddo.
“Bzzz, bzzzz, bzz,” said Beepo.
Biggleboggle had a round green body, big eyes and long, pointy ears.
“Hello, everyone,” said Biggleboggle in a funny, high voice. “Splish and Splosh told me about the lost Sprocket and I’m here to help. Nice to see all you Ogglebogs. Hello, Sprocket, I know exactly where your planet is. Planet Sprocketarion, isn’t it? Well, if you would all like to follow me, we will fly there right away.”
Blobbo said, “We will need extra supplies of ogglecakes!”
“Don’t worry, I brought plenty with me,” said Biggleboggle, with a big smile. “I remember how much you liked them when you came to my planet.”
That made Blobbo very happy.
Everyone climbed into the skying machine. Biggleboggle powered up the engines. Sprocket held onto Twinko as the skying machine rattled and jolted. Soon, they were rocketing through the cosmos.
They flew past asteroid fields and beautiful stars, past moons and purple dust clouds.
Then, everyone saw a beautiful planet down below. It was a breathtaking sight with floating islands, bright lights and a sky that shimmered with a rainbow of colours. The Sprocket’s three eyes lit up with joy on recognising that it was home.
“Planet Sprocketarion, I believe,” said Biggleboggle, with a smile.
The skying machine landed with a gentle bump.
The Sprocket’s family and lots of little Sprocketarions came up to the skying machine. The Sprocket came out and received lots of big hugs. The little aliens said hello to the Ogglebogs and Biggleboggle using their clicks and whistles. Only Twinko understood their language. But everyone could feel how happy the Sprocketarions were.
An old Sprocketarion handed Twinko a beautiful blue crystal, then spoke in the Sprocketarion language. Twinko nodded and smiled.
Then, it was time to get aboard the skying machine and fly back to Planet Ogg.
With hugs and waves, the Ogglebogs said goodbye to the Sprocket and their new alien friends.
“Let’s have a look at that crystal, please, Twinko,” said Rocco.
Twinko showed everyone.
“The crystal was a present to say thank you. The old Sprocketarion made me promise we would never forget them,” said Twinko.
“We never will,” said Coco.
“Never,” said Oddo.
The skying machine took off and was soon flying along in outer space.
“Well, we helped Sprocket find the way home,” said Blobbo.
Rocco said, “Amazing, isn’t it? We didn’t understand a word of their language.”
“I did,” said Twinko, with a smile.
“Yes, you did, Twinko. But we made great friends with them, didn’t we?” continued Rocco.
Biggleboggle said, “Anyone like a special ogglecake?”
“YES PLEASE!” shouted everyone.
The skying machine flew through space while the Ogglebogs munched happily.
It wasn’t long before they landed on Planet Ogg, right at the bottom of Bubble Mountain.
“Thank you, Biggleboggle, and hope to see you again soon,” said Rocco.
Biggleboggle waved at them and the skying machine took off again.
Sometimes, the Ogglebog friends would look up to the stars. They would think about the Sprocket and the Sprocketarions.
Somewhere out there, the Sprocket was doing the same, looking up at the same stars and thinking of the friends who had helped to find the way back home.
The End

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Rocco and Blobbo head off to the Bucket Cave in search of custard.
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A search party begins when Twinko doesn't turn up for breakfast.
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Pasto the baker is worried because the ogglecakes have gone missing.
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Pasto brings out the ogglecakes for breakfast, but something is missing.
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Rocco arranges a trip to the seaside, but the tickets home go missing.
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The Ogglebogs take a trip to the paint shop to help Auntie Blibbo.
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A very funny animal makes everyone laugh, but is it dangerous?
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Rocco knows it's someone's birthday, but just can't remember who.
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Things get interesting when mistakenly Blobbo eats a floaty pie.
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The friend help Splish & Splosh fill up their rocket with water.
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Blobbo needs help to remember which day of the week it is.
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Twinko's first tooth falls out leading to lots of unanswered questions.
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Someone is making a very horrible, screechy, bangy noise.
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The friends head out the find a cure when someone catches a cold.
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The friends take an unexpected trip to the other side of the planet.
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Someone has been rolling in blobweed and is very very smelly.
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Pasto has run out of oggleberries so the friends step in to help.
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The friends help Rocco learn to count using a very clever method.
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Three little aliens make a surprise entrance at the Ogglecafe.
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Choo, choo, choo! The Ogglebogs take a ride on the OggleTrain.
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Twinko is struggling to sleep, the friends decide to tell a bedtime story.
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The Ogglebogs decide to go on holiday to Planet Hollypop.
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Splish and Splosh visit planet Ogg with an important message.
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Blobbo has accidentally yawned up all the bath custard again!
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Rocco decides to go on an adventure but ends up getting lost!
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The Ogglebog friends go on an adventure to visit a tickling tree!
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Splish and Splosh visit planet Ogg and bring with them a special passenger.
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Twinko is afraid of the dark and struggling to sleep.
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The Ogglebog friends cannot figure out where Blobbo is.
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Pasto decides to bake a giant ogglecake.
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It is the day of 'The Great Planet Ogg Munching Contest'.
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The Ogglebog friends are on a picnic when they encounter a fierce storm.
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Twinko is terribly upset because Iggle the oggybear has gone missing.
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A big, striped box is floating toward Bubble Mountain. What mysteries could it hold?
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Blobbo and the Ogglebog friends attend a magic show performed by Uncle Marvelo.
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