The Fast Lane Animated Cover

The Fast Lane Rhyme & Audiobook

A little hedgehog is taking her road safety test. She is nervous and alone on a busy road. What happens when a big bus comes around the corner?


The Fast Lane​

Upon a busy roadside edge,
Beside a green and bushy hedge,
A little hedgehog stood in fear,
For it had reached the time of year,
To learn her hedgehog highway codes,
And practice crossing busy roads.

A busy road full of colourful cars. On the side of the road two small brown hedgehogs stand by a green hedge.

“I don't know why,” she said at last,
“These things are moving quite so fast,”
“These things are cars, my dear,” said mum.
“They move the humans on their bum,
To every single part of town.
They like to travel sitting down.”

Mummy hedgehog standing on a log pointing to her drawing of a car on a fence. The the little hedgehog is listening and watching.

The little hedgehog looked bemused,
And said to mum, “But I'm confused.
If they have legs, why choose to roll?
Wouldn't they enjoy a stroll?”
“I don't know, dear. It's what they do.
So I am here to guide you through,
Your hedgehog highway code exam,
And stop you turning into jam.”

The little hedgehog hides her eyes as a though bubble shows a jar of 'Prickle Jam'

The mother promptly turned around,
And picked some items off the ground,
Then said, “Before we start the test,
Put on this yellow safety vest.
Make sure your helmet's fastened tight,
And place your goggles on just right.”

The little hedgehog wearing googles, a yellow helmet, florescent vest with reflectors.

The little hog put on the gear,
Then mother said, “OK, my dear,
There is one thing you need to see,
That's shown to every hog trainee.
Watch closely, now, and please sit still,
While I perform the safety drill.”
Her mother counted back from five,
Then plunged into a headfirst dive,
And elegantly broke her fall,
By scrunching in a tiny ball.

the hedgehog rolling through the air.

She said, “If you get into strife,
This safety roll will save your life.
It’s saved the skin of many hogs,
From motorcars and beastly dogs.
OK, you’re ready now,” said mum.
“Your time to cross the road has come.”
The little hog stepped from the hedge,
And gingerly approached the edge.

The little hedgehog approaching the side of the road.

Her heart now pounding in her chest,
Behind her little yellow vest,
She looked upon the busy road,
Where lots of nasty traffic flowed.
Then, letting out a tiny fart,
She crouched into a sprinting start.

The little hedgehog bent into over ready to go. A little cloud puff from her bottom.

Her mum cried, “On your marks, get set...”
To this the little spiked brunette,
Raised up her bum into the air,
And, for a moment, kept it there,
Until her mother shouted, “Run!”
And her first road cross had begun.
As she began this risky race,
She thought, “I'll set a zippy pace!”
But hedgehogs don't move fast at all.
Their top speed is a measly crawl.

Mother hedgehog stood on the side of the road pointing. The little hedgehog is in the road covering their eyes.

So while she felt herself go fast,
At least three lengthy minutes passed,
And to her horror-struck dismay,
She hadn't even reached halfway.
By this point she had dodged a truck,
And almost got completely stuck,
Inside a bag of mouldy snacks.
She thought, “I better make some tracks!”

The little hedgehog crawling out of a bag of rotten banana and sandwiches.

The little hog ploughed on with grit,
And managed to avoid a hit.
Until a double decker bus, —
Driven by a man named Gus—
Sped full-tilt around the bend,
At which point she could not pretend.
“It's been,” she thought, “a decent run,
But now I fear my days are done.
Before I even count to three,
I think I'll see the end of me!”

A large red double decker bus followed by lots of traffic driving towards the little hedgehog in the middle of the road.

Her mother cried, “Don't just stand still,
It's time to do your safety drill!”
The little hedgehog sprung alive,
And in a flash performed a dive,
With elegance, panache and flair,
That shot her forward in the air.
She tucked her head into her chest,
—which tightened up her safety vest—
Then curled up neatly in a small,
And little yellow cannonball.

The driver of the bus looks shocked as the little hedgehog rolled in ball bounces past the windscreen.

She generated such a speed,
I'm pleased to say that she was freed,
From ending like a flattened toad,
Upon this very busy road.
“Mummy look,” she said with pride,
“I've made it to the other side!”
Her mum then hoisted up the mast,
A big green flag that said YOU’VE PASSED!

The little hedgehog stands at the other side of the road looking back at their mother. The mother hedgehog is waving a green flag which says 'Passed'

The End

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