The Sick Day Rhyme & Audiobook
It feels lousy to be ill, but sometimes a day in bed can be just what you needed! Enjoy our Sooper silly ode to staying home from school or work.

Sick Day
Beginning around December,
A sniffle makes you remember
That when your nose begins to run,
Ah yes, Cold Season has begun!
And then the next four months you’ll style
(Unless you’re on a tropic isle)
The most annoying set of clothes
Intended to protect that nose
From getting runny, blocked or stuffed.
So now they’ve got you wrapped and puffed
In coats and scarves and gloves and boots
And even one-piece bodysuits.
Every day: “You’ll catch a chill!”
Or: “Bundle up. You might fall ill!”
In rain and wind, you mustn’t dare
Let any patch of skin be bare.
(Even though it’s actually true
That where we spread our germs and flu
Is in the house with windows shut
And breathing in oh-who-knows-what!)
Enough of scientific stuff!
The fact is, getting sick is rough.
A hacking cough, those scratchy throats,
A voice that’s like a gargling goat’s.
An achy head, a dodgy tum,
You drool and snore when nighttimes come.
Breakfast now’s not tasting right.
You might lose all your appetite.
Just maybe, though, it’s not all bad.
Perhaps that sneeze might make you glad
‘Cause – let’s not kid ourselves – it’s cool
To get a “sick day” home from school.
You’re in your room with all your stuff.
Your blanket’s warm. Your pillow’s fluffed.
There’s time to read or hear or see
Your favourite books or bad T.V.
And maybe, best of all, when fed
The food is brought to you - in bed!
Catered to your every whim:
“I need more soup. The room’s too dim.
Please pull the blinds. The room’s too bright.
Hold on! I’ve found my appetite.
I’m craving pizza, toast and pie.
A pickle – that would satisfy!
Salami, apple sauce and cheese.
Oh, start another movie, please!
No – I’ve watched that one ten times.
I’ll take a squash now: lemon-lime.
What’s that you say? I’m seeming fine?
My temperature’s below the line?
Oh, I don’t know. I’m looking pasty.
School again? Let’s not be hasty.
I’m groggy and I feel a burn.
That pickle made my tummy turn.
Please feel my cheeks, they seem too pink.
I’d better lie back down, I think.
Gosh, yeah. I’m not through healing yet.
My symptoms will return, I bet.
Wait, wait, wait. Just hear me say:
Achoo! See? I need one more day.”
The End
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