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The Schnitzel Story

Four friends make a plan to rescue their chum. But in the middle of their mission, they make a surprising discovery.

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We all were scratching at our fleas

When Tank walked in, the gang’s “Big Cheese.”

He spat out both his doggy chews

Then said, “I’ve got some lousy news:

Schnitzel’s gone to jail! So now

We’ve got to get him out somehow!”

four dogs sit in a circle around a wet bone. A bulldog looking dog wears an army helmet.

We knew we had hard work ahead,

The four of us in that old shed:

Dingo, Moxie, Tank and me,

Four stray dogs who loved to be free

But Schnitzel, collared, bound and tagged,

Was last seen yelping, being dragged

To a place called “The Last Resort.”

We howled when we heard this report!

On learning how our fellow stray

Had gotten caught and put away

We knew – without a single doubt – 

That he’d want us to break him out!

We huddled up and made a plan:

Tank said he would drive the van.

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