An Old Macdonald Had A Farm Nursery Rhyme & Audiobook
A classic nursery rhyme exploring all the animals on Old MacDonald's farm.

Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some chickens,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a cluck-cluck here,
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck,
Everywhere a cluck-cluck
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some dogs,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a woof-woof here,
And a woof-woof there
Here a woof, there a woof,
Everywhere a woof-woof
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some turkeys,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a gobble-gobble here,
And a gobble-gobble there
Here a gobble, there a gobble,
Everywhere a gobble-gobble
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some mice,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a squeak-squeak here,
And a squeak-squeak there
Here a squeak, there a squeak,
Everywhere a squeak-squeak
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some cows,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a moo-moo here,
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo,
Everywhere a moo-moo
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some horses,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a neigh-neigh here,
And a neigh-neigh there
Here a neigh, there a neigh,
Everywhere a neigh-neigh
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some pigs,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a oink-oink here,
And a oink-oink there
Here a oink, there a oink,
Everywhere a oink-oink
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some ducks,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a quack-quack here,
And a quack-quack there
Here a quack, there a quack,
Everywhere a quack-quack
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some sheep,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a baa-baa here,
And a baa-baa there
Here a baa, there a baa,
Everywhere a baa-baa
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!
And on that farm he had some cats,
Ee i ee i oh!
With a meow-meow here,
And a meow-meow there
Here a meow, there a meow,
Everywhere a meow-meow
Old MacDonald had a farm,
Ee i ee i oh!