Little Boy Blue Nursery Rhyme Animated Cover

A Little Boy Blue Nursery Rhyme & Audiobook

A classic English nursery rhyme featuring a shepherd boy.


Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue, 

Come blow your horn,

A blonde boy wearing blue overalls, a white shirt and blue hat standing on top of a hay bale blowing a blue horn.

The sheep's in the meadow, 

The cow's in the corn.

Where is that boy 

Who looks after the sheep?

He's under a haystack, 

Fast asleep.

The boy asleep leaning up against the hay bale. A brown cow and sheep peering around to look at him.

Will you wake him? 

Oh, no, not I,

For if I do, 

He'll surely cry.

Little Boy Blue, 

Come blow your horn,

The sheep's in the meadow, 

Sheep playing croquet on the bright green grass.

The cow's in the corn.

Where is that boy 

Who looks after the sheep?

He's under a haystack, 

Fast asleep.

Will you wake him? 

Oh, no, not I,

For if I do, 

He'll surely cry.

Little Boy Blue, 

Come blow your horn,

The sheep's in the meadow, 

The cow's in the corn.

The cow sitting eating corn on the cob.

Where is that boy 

Who looks after the sheep?

He's under a haystack, 

Fast asleep.

Will you wake him? 

Oh, no, not I,

For if I do, 

He'll surely cry.

The boy asleep, the sheep reading a book, the cow placing a blanket over the boy. The sky is dark and the moon and stars are out.