Animated Kentucky Fried Chicken Bedtime Story Cover

The Kentucky Fried Children Rhyme & Audiobook

A very clever giant chicken really doesn’t want to be eaten, so she hatches a cunning plan to dodge the frying pan and seek her revenge. Parents may want to read first as it can be a little scary for younger readers.


For Parents: this is a super silly story about a giant talking chicken, but some younger readers might find it scary. You may wish to have a quick peek first.

Kentucky Fried Children

In a coop in West Kentucky,

Lived a smart and rather plucky,

Farmyard hen named Ida Sue

A brilliant chicken through and through.

She read a hundred books a day

You’d often find her perched on hay

Focusing all her attention

Devising some new invention.

An orange chicken sat on top of a pile of books reading a book

Her latest one could take the dream

Of any bird and use a beam

Of light to cast it on the wall.

The coop became a movie hall!

 But Ida Sue was not content

To read her books and to invent.

The birds were sad, and by and large

It’s due to whom was left in charge:

Human brothers Cal and Clyde.

They were mean, and they were snide.

Oh they thought that they were crafty

Making sure the coop was draughty,

And they bought the cheapest foods,

Which put the birds in awful moods. 

They fed the birds on corn and gravel,

Limited their room to travel,

But the worst was that they taunted

All the birds and said they wanted

Soon to gobble with a smile

A chicken fried “Kentucky style.”

The chicken stuffed in side a burger looking scared and covered in sauce

Well Ida Sue began to dwell

On how the birds weren’t sleeping well,

Dreaming all night in their coop

Of being sandwiches or soup!

And how those brothers Clyde and Cal

Were happy with the birds’ morale.

The boys fell asleep. Their snoring began.

And that’s when Ida came up with a plan.

“I’ll just reverse my dream machine,

And in their heads I’ll send a scene!”

 She tinkered on her gizmo, then

She sent a beam – that cunning hen –

Right into each brother’s brain.

And just what did the scene contain?

The chicken wearing an apron and holding up small humans by their ankles

A giant chicken clutching tight

To both boys upside down, affright!

And next stop was a place to eat

With chickens lined up down the street.

And what’s the reason they all filed?

KFC – Kentucky Fried Child!

The chicken working at KFC with a long line of other chickens queuing up to order

Well that was all that they could take.

Clyde and Cal, now both awake

And white as sheets, and brains ablaze

Said that they would change their ways!

They vowed to change the coop today,

And make the chickens glad to stay.

Multiple chicken eating meat out of red buckets

And now the chickens all have beds,

With cozy hay to rest their heads.

Corn and gravel? Down the chute!

Now it’s lovely worms and fruit.

And thanks to Ida Sue, the farm

Has changed its ways. It does no harm.

The birds lay eggs, the farm grows beans

And several sorts of leafy greens!

And out in front, a big marquee!

The letters spell out “K-F-C”.

But all the birds get good nights’ sleep

Cause “KFC”? Means “Kale For Cheap”!

The End

Is there a read aloud version?

You can choose to experience this rhyming poem read aloud or you can read it yourself.

Should parents read this first?

We’ve flipped the script on who is eating who and some younger readers might find it scary. It’s a super silly story about a giant talking chicken with an ending which we recommend parents read first.