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Hot Cross Buns Nursery Rhyme Portrait Animated Cover

A Hot Cross Buns Nursery Rhyme & Audiobook

A nursery rhyme about one of the beat seasonal treats, Hot Cross Buns!


Hot Cross Buns

Hot cross buns!

Hot cross buns!

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns!

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons.

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns!

A hot cross bun with brown shoes and wearing a brown hat, is running along holding up two gold coins.

Hot cross buns!

Hot cross buns!

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns!

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons.

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns!

Two children sit at a table eating hot cross buns and drinking tea, happily.

Hot cross buns!

Hot cross buns!

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns!

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons.

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns!