Animated Goldilocks And The Three Bears bedtime story children's book cover

A Goldilocks And The Three Bears Short Story & Audiobook

A nosy little girl. A house full of bears. What could possibly go wrong?


Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Beside a great forest was a meadow. In the meadow was a cottage. And in the cottage lived Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Little Baby Bear.

Three bears hugging each other

The bears each had their very own bed to sleep in, chair to sit on and bowl for eating their favourite of all things—porridge.

One morning—as the sun rose over the meadow—Mummy and Daddy Bear were preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Little Baby Bear awoke, looked out of the window and thundered down the stairs.

“Mummy… Daddy… look!” cried Little Baby Bear.

The baby bear pointed out of the window, where hundreds of fluttering butterflies filled the meadow.

Now, it's worth pointing out that—besides eating porridge—chasing butterflies was one of baby bear’s favourite things to do. And she didn’t get to do it often as the butterflies only came to the meadow in the springtime.

“Please, please, pleeeease can we go out before breakfast,” said baby bear, “There are so many butterflies, Mummy. More than I have ever seen. I simply must go out now. Oh, please can we go. Please!”

“Very well, dear,” said Mummy Bear.

“I shall just pour the porridge,” said Daddy Bear, “so that it can cool and be the perfect temperature for when we return.”

Daddy Bear poured the porridge into the three bowls and carefully set them on the table. Then, with a clunk, the front door shut and the three bears strolled out into the meadow—leaving the cottage empty.

3 bowls of porridge with three spoons

Close by lived a Woodman.

He had a beautiful daughter with golden shimmering hair that went by the name of Goldilocks. She was a sweet girl, but had an inquisitive nature that often landed her in a spot of bother.

Goldilocks in a blue dress with long golden hair

Once, she had followed animal tracks in the forest and nearly been eaten by a wolf. On another occasion, she picked up an egg from an eagle’s nest—never a good idea—and received a swift peck on the head when the bird returned.

Goldilocks was—as you can no doubt tell already—a very curious little girl.

On this particular morning, Goldilocks was running an errand for her father and came across the bears’ cottage.

“What a delightful little cottage,” she thought, “I wonder who lives here?”

Without a second thought, Goldilocks unlocked the garden gate, walked up the path and knocked at the front door.

Nobody answered.

Undeterred, she walked over to the window and peeped inside.

“Oh my,” she said, “look at those delicious bowls of steaming porridge. It seems such a dear shame that nobody is here to enjoy them. I shall simply have to eat the porridge and stop it going to waste.”

Goldilocks looking in the bears cottage window

So Goldilocks opened the front door and went inside.

Before her was a roaring fire. In front of the fire stood a kitchen table. And on the table lay three bowls of steaming porridge, neatly in a row. There was a big bowl, a medium bowl and a little bowl, each of which were accompanied by a matching chair and spoon—big, medium and little.

First, Goldilocks sat in the big chair. It was much too big. So big, in fact, that her feet didn’t touch the floor. She lent forward, picked up the big spoon and tasted the porridge in the big bowl.

“Eww, oh no!,” she exclaimed, “that is much too salty!”

Goldilocks sat in the big chair trying the porridge from the big bowl

Goldilocks then sat in the medium chair, picked up the medium spoon and tasted the porridge in the medium bowl.

“Eww, oh no!,” she exclaimed, “that is much too bland!”

Finally, Goldilocks then sat in the little chair, picked up the little spoon and tasted the porridge in the little bowl.

“Ah yes!” she exclaimed, “this one is just right.”

Suddenly, there was a loud cracking sound.

The seat of the little chair—which was much too small for Goldilocks—snapped under her weight. The little bowl flew high into the air and it’s contents landed with a soggy splat upon the wall.

Small chair snapping under the weight of Goldilocks and the small porridge bowl flying up into the air

“Ooops,” said Goldilocks, “Oh, well. I did have a good fill of porridge and it has made me very sleepy.”

Now tired, Goldilocks went upstairs.

In front of her stood three beds in a row—big, medium and little.

First, Goldilocks tried the big bed.

“Oh no!,” she exclaimed, “this bed is much too hard!”

So Goldilocks climbed out of the big bed—not taking any care to replace the sheets as she found them—and got into the medium bed.

“Oh no!,” she exclaimed, “this bed is much too soft!”

Goldilocks then climbed out of the medium bed—again, leaving the sheets strewn every which way—and got into the little bed.

“Ah yes!,” she exclaimed, “this one is just right.”

With that, Goldilocks yawned, pulled the covers up over herself and fell fast asleep.

The Bears three beds, one big, one medium and one small, Goldilocks is asleep in the small bed

Around twenty minutes passed and the three bears returned from their walk in the meadow.

“Good golly!” exclaimed Daddy Bear, “what in the blazes has been going on in here? And who has been eating my porridge?”

He looked mightily angry.

Mummy Bear walked up to the table, lifted up her bowl and inspected it carefully.

“And who has been eating my porridge?” she growled through her large—and very sharp—clenched teeth.

“Mummy, Daddy, look!” cried Little Baby Bear, “my chair is broken, my bowl is empty and there is a great dollop of porridge on the wall.”

The three bears shocked at the mess in the kitchen, chairs broken and porridge everywhere

The three bears were incensed and set about the house at once to find the intruder. They inspected every inch of the downstairs looking for clues—but they found nothing.

“Follow me,” whispered Daddy Bear, making his way quietly across the hallway and up the stairs. When he reached the top, he stopped and stared at their three—usually very tidy—beds.

“Who has been lying in my bed?” roared Daddy Bear.

Mummy Bear quickly stepped forward, took a glimpse at her tumbled bedsheets and said,

“And who has been lying in my bed?”

Little Baby Bear looked at her bed—the very bed that Goldilocks was sleeping in.

“Daddy,” she whispered, “there's a little girl in my bed”

“Ah ha!” he replied triumphantly, “this must be the beastly intruder. I will gobble her up at once as punishment for her naughty disrespect.”

Goldilocks awoke with a start.

I think you may just agree that the sight of three hungry bears at the end of your bed is enough to give anyone the heebie-jeebies. And, let me tell you, Goldilocks was no different.
Quick as a whip she sprang up, jumped from the bed and skipped through the open window—before any of the bears could lay a paw on her.

Outside the window was a drainpipe.

Goldilocks grabbed the drainpipe with both hands, shimmied down it and then ran home as fast as her legs would carry her—while the bears looked on from the bedroom window.

Goldilocks climbing down the drainpipe and the three bears looking out the window at her

Goldilocks arrived home—out of breath and sweaty from having run all the way.

“Goldilocks, my dearest daughter,” said the Woodman, “did you collect the eggs from Mrs Brown’s farm as I asked?”

“No, Daddy, I got distracted.”

“Not again, Goldilocks,” sighed the Woodman, “whatever have you been up to this time?”

“I found an empty cottage, Daddy. And it had three bowls of porridge on the table, so I went in and helped myself.”

“You did what?”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I really am. I didn’t know that the bears lived there and promise I didn’t mean to break the chair or slop porridge on the wall.”

The Woodman looked at Goldilocks.

“I am very disappointed in you,” said the Woodman, “how do you propose to make amends for your thoughtlessness?”
Goldilocks was silent for a moment—deep in thought.

Goldilocks thinking about how she can make amends with the three bears

“Perhaps, Daddy,” she said at last, “I can write them a letter to say sorry. But I think baby bear would also like a new chair and I should replace the porridge oats that I ate.”

The Woodman smiled.

“Good idea.”


In the days that followed, Goldilocks wrote her letter of apology and carefully carved a new chair for Baby Bear—with some help from her father. She also performed many chores around the house to earn enough pocket money to buy a brand new box of the finest porridge oats.


Once they were ready, Goldilocks gathered her things and set off—over the meadow—to The Three Bears’ cottage. 

This time, she knocked at the door and waited patiently.

The door opened.

“You!” roared Daddy Bear.

Hearing this, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear came charging to the door at a furious pace.

“Gobble her up, Daddy,” cried Baby Bear.

“Wait!” replied Goldilocks.

“I have come to say I’m sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I should never have come into your house uninvited and touched your things. I have written a letter to say how sorry I am, made a new chair for Baby Bear and brought you a box of your favourite porridge oats.”

The bears looked at each other.

Goldilocks carrying a new chair, box of porridge and a letter to the bears cottage

“Dear girl,” said Mummy Bear, “this is a sweet gesture and we are happy to accept your apology.”

“Thank you,” replied Goldilocks.


I'm very pleased to say that Goldilocks was not eaten by the bears.

She had indeed learned her lesson, repented for her thoughtlessness and—from that day forward—vowed to be kind and courteous to everyone she met.

And not just that.

The three bears looking happy, daddy bear spinning Goldilocks in the air

Goldilocks and The Three Bears soon became the best of friends. They enjoyed many a spring morning together chasing butterflies, eating porridge and—as the story goes—they all lived happily ever after.

The End

People also ask

Can you read Goldilocks And The Three Bears for free?

Yes! You can read this modern retelling for free. Our story retellings closely follow the original storylines and add modern twists in the illustrations.

Is there a Goldilocks And The Three Bears read aloud?

You can choose to experience this story read aloud or you can read it yourself.

Who wrote goldilocks and the three bears?

The original story was first published as "The Story of the Three Bears" in 1837. We know this was written by Robert Southey, an English writer and poet.

The intruder of the three bears house was originally an old woman; this character was adapted to a young girl by another English poet, Joseph Cundall, in 1849. Twelve years later than the original publication.

Whose bed did Goldilocks like the best and why?

After trying the big bear, medium bear and baby bear’s beds Goldilocks thought that the best bed was baby bears because it was not too hard and not too soft, it was just right.

How does the Goldilocks story go?

In summary Goldilocks And The Three Bears is a classic fairytale about a young girl with golden hair who is very curious. The young girl finds an empty house owned by three bears; Mama bear, Papa bear and Baby bear. Papa bear is the biggest bear, Mama bear is the middle-sized bear and the smallest bear is the baby.

Curiosity gets the best of her and the young girl soon finds herself in trouble. She enters the bear house and sits on the bear chairs, tastes their porridge and finally curls up in the three bears' beds. When the bears return home to find a girl napping in their house they are surprised and not very happy! In the end, the girl and the three bears become friends and live happily ever after.

Is this a bedtime story?

This is a great example of a bedtime story. It’s nostalgic for parents and has a happy ending for kids. That’s if they make it to the end of the story before falling asleep!

Why do we write bedtime stories for kids?

When we first decided to create a bedtime story for kids, we knew we wanted it to be fun, engaging and high quality.

We wanted Sooper Books to bring children's publishing into the 21st century. We strongly believe that nighttime stories for kids need to fit seamlessly into modern family lives which is why our free stories are all online.

It began when we started writing stories for our own family. Then our friends and wider families asked for copies and we started to share Sooper Books with other children.

At Sooper Books we write, curate and narrate stories for kids so they can enjoy the best quality content, enchanting stories and magical adventures. With our stories we work towards promoting a positive attitude to reading and instill a love of books in children from an early age.

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