Animated Sooper Books Charlie Bryce Bedtime Story Cover

The Charlie Bryce Rhyme & Audiobook

Charlie comes to school with a head full of lice. Amidst the chaos, can you guess what happens to his hair?


Charlie Bryce

This is the tale of Charlie Bryce,
A boy who found one hundred lice,
Skip-skipping in his greasy hair,
And jumping high into the air.

the top of charlies head with lots of lice playing in his hair some are jumping rope ithers laughing

In morning class at school that day,
Before they all went out to play,
A nasty little louse broke free,
And landed on poor Emily,
Who screamed aloud for all to hear,
“Something’s wiggling in my ear!”

Miss Morris calmed the classroom down,
Then turned to Charlie with a frown,
And said, “Hold still! And please don’t scream,
I’ve called the fumigation team.”
A moment later six big brutes,
Dressed head to toe in yellow suits,
Broke down the wooden classroom door,
And flung poor Charlie to the floor.

The brutes released one hundred mice,
To feast upon the wretched lice,
And then—I promise you, no joke—,
They pumped his hair with bright green smoke.

charlie being held by the ankles by the hazmat suit while more hazmat suit people spray a green mist at him

From that day on the whole high school,
Thought Charlie Bryce was super cool.
The lice had gone. His hair was clean,
And stayed the most outrageous green!

charlie looks happy with a massive head of green think shiny hair as all the other students stand around looking at him in awe

The End

Is there a read aloud version?

You can choose to experience this story read aloud or you can read it yourself.

Is this a bedtime story?

This funny rhyme is a great way to end the day for your little ones. It’s a short rhyming story at just 2 minutes long - perfect for when you have little time or when they ask for “just one more, please!”

Why do we write bedtime stories for kids?

When we first decided to create a bedtime story for kids, we knew we wanted it to be fun, engaging and high quality.

We wanted Sooper Books to bring children's publishing into the 21st century. We strongly believe that night time stories for kids need to fit seamlessly into modern family lives which is why our stories are all online.

It began when we started writing stories for our own family. Then our friends and wider families asked for copies and we started to share Sooper Books with other children.

At Sooper Books we write, curate and narrate stories for kids so they can enjoy the best quality content, enchanting stories and magical adventures. With our stories we work towards promoting a positive attitude to reading and instill a love of books in children from an early age.

About Sooper Books

Our 5-10 minute online kids bedtime stories, fairy tales, funny rhymes and fables all come with award-winning audio.

From short stories for kids to multiple story episodes in our original series collections, our content is sure to make your little ones’ eyes sparkle with delight.

At Sooper Books, children can explore the magical world of fairies and witches, brave knights, talking animals and more. Our stories for kids feature an array of characters such as lovable princesses, funny frogs, gentle giants and wise wizards.

So whether you're specifically looking for a fairy tale or a rhyme, or maybe you just need some short bedtime stories for kids. Take the stress out of bedtime by reading one of our kids stories today!