Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Animated Cover Nursery Rhyme

A Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Nursery Rhyme & Audiobook

A classic nursery rhyme about the parts of the body.


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

A monkey wearing a blue and yellow cap touching their head.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

The monkey touching their shoulders.

And eyes and ears, 

And mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

The monkey touching their knees.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

The monkey lying down touching their toes.

And eyes and ears, 

And mouth and nose.

The monkey touching one eye.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

The monkey holding both ears.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

And eyes and ears, 

And mouth and nose.

The monkey pulling a big toothy grin.

Head, shoulders, 

Knees and toes, 

Knees and toes.

The monkey touching their nose.