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A Breakfast Story

A child decides he never wants to have porridge again. When other children join him in his anti-porridge movement, adults become determined to stop him.

Read myself

A Breakfast Story

If you need a place for porridge,

Using your own pants for storage

Is not a thing I’d recommend.

How do I know? Wait for the end.

 My tale begins one rainy morn.

I woke up to the breakfast horn –

A loud device my parents use

To give their dozen kids the news

That eggs and bacon, toast and beans,

Or maybe sausages, sardines

Await their hungry mouths downstairs.

So down we scampered, pulled up chairs.

And then a sadness filled my soul

For I found porridge in my bowl.

a blonde haired woman wearing a purple dress with white polka dots blows a horn 4 children look happy in the background

Now, those of you who like the stuff - 

Who lap it up, can’t get enough -

I do not want to start offending.

You’ll have trouble comprehending

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Is there a version of A Breakfast Story read aloud?

You can choose to experience this rhyming poem, A Breakfast Story, read aloud or you can read it yourself.