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Answers to things we get asked.

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What is Sooper Books?

Sooper Books is a new, award-winning digital story and audiobook platform. Read or listen to hundreds of stories including original series and rhymes as well as modern remakes of classic fairy tales and fables.

What can I read and listen to on Sooper Books?

Every story is accompanied by a professionally crafted audiobook, giving you the versatility to make the most of bedtime—your way. There is a huge selection of spruced up classics, jazzed up fables, side-splitting rhymes and breathtaking new original stories. And hundreds upon hundreds more in the pipeline (multiple new releases each week). Our stories are deliberately short so you can settle the kids quicker at bedtime, but they are packed with our trademark "Sooperyness" that keeps kids coming back for more.

How much does Sooper Books cost?

Our premium membership includes adding stories to your personal library, creating your very own audio playlist and your history recorded so you can easily find your favourites. The premium membership costs just £/$24 a year with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

What devices are supported?

Sooper Books supports all mobile devices, tablets, laptops and desktops. In other words, any device that has access to the internet via wifi, 3G, 4G or 5G. You may even connect to your smart speaker via bluetooth. And to your TV by screen-sharing from your preferred device.

Is there any commitment when signing up for Sooper Books?

There is no commitment and you can cancel anytime, effective at the end of your current payment period. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to sooperbooks.com and log into your account
  2. Select Settings from the top menu
  3. Select “Cancel membership” and then confirm your selection